Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Amesbury Recycle take it home rubbish

Hi we are the Amesbury Recycling Inquiry group.

Earlier in the year, we were looking at how we could recycle at Amesbury.

We thought we could reduce so much of our rubbish at school (which flies around in the wind and attracts wasps) by limiting the amount of rubbish we bring with us in our lunchboxes. If people were to put their lunches in lunchboxes with compartments they wouldn't need things like gladwrap or chippie packets. For example, you could buy a big pack of chips instead of the little snack packets and just put them in one of the compartments in the lunchbox or in a separate small container.

This would work for a lot of foods, but we understand that it would be hard to have a completely 100% litter free lunchbox. So we thought that we could also become a "Take it Home School" - which means any rubbish we bring to school, we could take back home with us again. Kids wouldn't be allowed to put any rubbish in the outside bins, they would be expected to put it back into their lunchboxes.

These things would keep the school and the community cleaner. You could recycle more of your rubbish at home and maybe create it into something cool, and parents would also get a better idea of what their kids may or may not be eating.

Amesbury School is a 5 star green school, and we really care about the environment. Help us to save the world!

From the Amesbury Recycling Group

(Leni, Tom, Emily, and Kali)

1 comment:

  1. At my daughter's previous school they tried 'taking it home' (it was abandoned after I think a couple of terms), but they soon made an exception for yoghurt containers. Students were allowed to throw those out as they made such a mess of the rest of the food if put back in lunch boxes after morning tea. Perhaps at Amesbury you guys could rinse and recycle them, since there are sinks in your classroom? Gladwrap and snack bar wrappers etc weren't too bad. Fruit cores and skins could get quite yucky - eg juice from an nectarine core from morning tea going all over your lunch. This makes it a bit harder to avoid the use of wrap, so while the school would be reducing its waste, the total amount of waste could possibly increase.


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